Treasure Hunt

Hello fairy friends! Where has the time gone since the last post?!?

It’s almost Summer already!  Neighbor Mom next door, told us yesterday that our little friend has already starting going through their backyard, searching for evidence of new fairies.

We are just put the finishing touches on this year’s door, made especially for her. This year, we think it will just be one fairy.  We’ll post a picture of the door, when it appears in their backyard!

We’re not sure what the Fairy’s name will be… if you need a hand finding the name of your Garden Fairy, click this link!

Fairy Treasure Hunt - Garden Fairy Doors Project Blog -
Fairy Treasure Hunt - Garden Fairy Doors Project Blog -
Fairy Treasure Hunt - Garden Fairy Doors Project Blog -
Fairy Treasure Hunt - Garden Fairy Doors Project Blog -
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In the meantime, I thought I would share another idea from two years ago – A Fairy Treasure Hunt. I found tiny rocks, not much bigger than a dime. Painted them bright colors, and glued various little stars, sequins and beads on them, and then lacquered them several times, so there was no fear of the embellishments falling off.

With the help of my hubby helper, we made up some little rhyming clues, which would lead her from one treasure to the next.

So when the family went off to sports practice one day, we ran over and hid all the treasures and clues, making sure to throw a little sparkly fairy dust at each treasure location, as well. We were sitting in our backyard having a refreshing beverage after our fairy shenanigans, when they returned home, and not long after THAT, we heard our little friend in their backyard. She had discovered the little note on the fairy door step, inviting her to a treasure hunt. The squeal of excitement each time she found a treasure was delightful. I think we had just as much fun listening over the fence, as she did searching!

It was such a simple little project. I already had the paint, glue, lacquer (you could use clear nail polish) and bits & pieces needed, in the chaos I call my craftroom.

(I actually call it the Emp-Lorieum.)

So this project didn’t cost a penny!  But hearing her reaction… was priceless!

Have fun and keep the magic alive!





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