Fairy Umbrella

I hope you’ve already read the story, one tab left, on “How it all Started”.

As promised, on this page, I’m going to share some of our Fairy Projects, Ideas and Inspirations with you, with a view to helping you create them yourself.

No doubt some of you will improve on these Fairy Projects, too!

I’m going to start off with a pretty simple one.

Fairy Umbrella - Projects - GardenFairies.caThis is great if you live somewhere where it rains a lot… Like our lovely city of Vancouver!

Last summer we had one particularly rainy week.

When the rain finally stopped, and the sun came back, Petal and Thorn left this on the fairy door step for our little neighbor.

No special skills required! Just a cocktail drink umbrella and some glitter glue (I use Stickles, but there are a lot of other brands out there). Spruce up the umbrella with a little sparkle – and anything else you might think of. That’s it.

It’s fairy-ly easy!

As an aside, I think that the Fairies have taken over a teeny tiny portion of my brain. I am always looking at things in a different way – what I can transform, that I might normally throw out, and thinking…. how can I fairy-ify these?

You’ll see as we go down this fairy path together, all the things that have been repurposed!

Have fun and keep the magic alive!

Cheers, Lorie

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