Fairy Swimming Pond

What a ‘Cool’ Idea – A Fairy Swimming Pond 

A while back I mentioned the neato swimming pond we were making for the fairies, but somehow I forgot to blog about it when it was finally complete.  Last summer was an exceptionally hot summer up here in Vancouver.  The fairies next door were really suffering from the heat (as we all were).  They needed some way to refresh themselves and cool off.  So I put my thinking cap on, and came up with a pretty “cool” idea, if I DO say so myself! 

Swimming Pool - Garden Fairies Project Blog - GardenFairies.caTurns out a sardine can – or smoked oyster can – is the perfect shape – and just the right size for a fairy to do a lap or two.  I used some alcohol inks to die the inside of the can a mottled blue, with a little bit of greenish marbling, to give the illusion of depth and ripples.  And how will I decorate the outside of my pond?  I just so happened to have a branch of plastic leaves in my Craft Room… (which will come as NO surprise to anyone who knows me, or has been following along with my projects!)  I made some small holes just under the rim of the can with a metal punch.  But you could certainly make holes with a good old hammer and nail.  I also punched holes in the leaves, and then took some raffia and “sewed” the leaves around the edge of the tin.  You know, just to make it a little more magical.    But you could decorate the outside of the can in so many other clever ways.  Maybe glue some small pebbles on the outside, or some bark.  I’m sure you can come up with something just as clever. 

Swimming Pool - Garden Fairies Project Blog - GardenFairies.caWhen the swimming pond showed up, filled with water, it looked pretty sweet, I must say.  Pansy and Poppy asked our little friend if she would please help them keep it full of water, because it was so heavy for them to carry water from the river miles away.  And you know what?  She did!  Every time we left a surprise at the fairy door – that swimming pond was full to the top.  What a sweetie. 

Have fun and keep the magic alive!

Cheers, Lorie






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